OTHERS Change in Sustainability Committee - Ms. Hong Kim Heong

OTHERS Change in Sustainability Committee - Ms. Hong Kim Heong

Type Announcement
Subject OTHERS
Change in Sustainability Committee - Ms. Hong Kim Heong

The Board of Evergreen Fibreboard Berhad ("EFB") hereby inform that Ms. Hong Kim Heong has resigned as Member of the Sustainability Management Commitee ("SC") with effect from 1 March 2025. The composition of SC after the change is as follows:-


Sustainability Management Committee:

Mr Jonathan Law Ngee Song - Group Non-Independent Non-Executive Chairman (Chairman)

Ms Tan Mui Ping - Independent Non-Executive Director (Member)

Ms Mary Henerietta Lim Kim Neo - Executive Director (Member)

Encik Shameer Bin Othman - Independent Non-Executive Director (Member)


This announcement is made on 1 March 2025. 
